Cecilia Jamasmie , Senior Editor

Posts by Cecilia Jamasmie:

Lack of mining law costs Honduras US$3 billion

Over $3 billion and near 15,000 job positions. That is the cost to Honduras, the third poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, as a result of a lack of rules for mining companies operating or wishing to explore in the country.

U.S. mining regulator tightens coal mines safety rules

As families and friends of dead miners mark the second anniversary of the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster in West Virginia on April 5, the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration announced it would issue its final set of rules for inspecting underground coal mines on Friday.

Royal Bank of Canada sued for ‘wash trading’

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) filed a lawsuit against Canada's Royal Bank (TSX:RY) yesterday, saying it engaged in hundreds of millions of dollars in sham futures trades to reap tax benefits on its holdings of company stocks.
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Marimaca Copper gets $50m injection from Assore

Investment gives Assore International a 14.99% non-diluted stake in the Canadian copper company, which owns the namesake project in Chile.