India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Monday the government has already initiated the process of cancelling mines to companies that failed to develop them.
BHP Billiton (LON/ASX/NYSE:BHP) took Monday another step away from resource expansion in Australia, particularly in the uranium sector. The world's number one miner announced it's selling one of the country's largest undeveloped deposits of the yellow element to Canadian Cameco (TSX:CCO) (NYSE:CCJ) for $430 million.
Environmentalists such as Greenpeace have condemned the mine's approval as claiming, it will mean an unacceptable rise in vessels passing the Great Barrier Reef, impacting air quality and native flora and fauna.
“Shocked” over the magnitude of alleged illegal iron ore exports by private companies in southern India, the country’s Supreme Court said it wants to explore the possibility of punishing the guilty parties within six months.
Spot market iron-ore prices dropped again overnight despite news that steel production in China, the biggest iron-ore-consuming nation, continued to rise in early August.
The world's number one miner, BHP Billiton, wants to leave the news of its first decrease in annual profit in three years behind by focusing on finding the most lucrative way to increase iron ore production in Western Australia.
The heated legal battle between Anglo American and its Chilean adversary Codelco has finally come to an end as the parties announced Thursday that they've reached an agreement.
TransCanada's Keystone XL oil pipeline won a small battle Wednesday night as a Texas judge ruled in favour of the firm passing through a farm, after the owner took the Canadian company to court.
Canada’s federal government opened a can of worms Wednesday after announcing that a national park, to be created in the North of the country, will be smaller to make room for mining endeavours.