Cecilia Jamasmie , Editor-in-Chief

Posts by Cecilia Jamasmie:

South Sudan chooses mining over oil

South Sudan, the world's newest nation, has announced plans to enact a mining law by the end of October, pushing ahead exploration and expansion in the likely mineral rich, but unexplored country, helping it to diversify its economy away from oil.

VIDEO: Keystone XL’s rivals try humour to win supporters

Opposition to TransCanada's (TSX, NYSE: TRP) Keystone XL oil pipeline has reached YouTube, where a recently posted video "We Quit You, Keystone XL (It's Not Us, It's You)" is getting thousands of views as it takes a witty approach to attracting more rivals to the project.

Verdict on massive Nunavut iron ore mine imminent

Baffinland's controversial and massive Mary River iron ore mine in the Qikiqtani Region of Nunavut —almost 500 kilometres inside the Arctic circle— continues to polarize residents as the $4 billion project awaits its final approval.

Liberia tells the UN it lacks funds to fight blood diamonds

Liberia's questioned commitment to the diamond industry’s efforts to prevent blood gems trade has driven the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to threaten with cutting the program, but authorities says it insufficient funds and not lack of will what is stopping the country.
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Canadian miners flocking to the ASX

Australia’s main stock exchange is becoming the top listing destination for global miners, particularly for Canadians.