Cecilia Jamasmie , Senior Editor

Posts by Cecilia Jamasmie:

Thousands marched against cyanide use in gold mining

Over 10,000 of environmentalists took the streets of Raub, in the Malaysian state of Pahang on Sunday, to oppose the use of cyanide at the nearby Bukit Koman gold mine, which they claim has been using the chemical compound to the detriment of their health.

Peru lifts state of emergency over Conga mine

The Peruvian government confirmed it will end Monday a state of emergency imposed in early July in the country’s northern region, where violent protests against Newmont Mining's (NYSE:NEM) controversial $4.8 billion Conga project left five dead and dozens injured.

South Africa drops Lonmin miners’ murder charges

South African prosecutors have temporarily withdrawn murder charges against the 270 miners accused Thursday of killing 34 striking colleagues shot dead by police at the platinum miner Lonmin's (LON:JSE) Marikana mine, but warned they could be recharged when inquiries were complete.

Colombia’s new energy and mining minister promises to ‘get it right’

Colombia’s energy and mining minister Federico Renjifo, who assumed the position on Thursday, said he is aware he’ll face difficult times as analysts are predicting a slowdown in demand for the country’s commodities in coming years, but he said he’ll make sure the sector remains competitive and attractive to foreign investors.

Athabasca confirms oil sands venture

Athabasca Oil Corp. (TSX:ATH) confirmed Friday that it is in the preliminary stages of establishing a joint venture for two of its Alberta oil sands assets, but it declined to identify its partner.
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Fortescue cuts 700 jobs, slows down green hydrogen plans

Fortescue is revising plans to become a major green hydrogen producer, citing high energy costs as the main reason for restructuring and layoffs.