Cecilia Jamasmie , Senior Editor

Posts by Cecilia Jamasmie:

World Gold Council releases conflict-free standard

The World Gold Council (WGC) published Thursday the anticipated conflict-free standard, which aims to restrict production of the yellow precious metal in places where it already fuels or may trigger conflicts and human rights violations.

Canada waves asbestos mining ‘au revoir’

A loan rejection to the last asbestos miner in the country followed by Canada’s federal government’s announcement that it wouldn’t oppose to list Chrysotile —the type of asbestos found in Quebec — as a hazardous substance, are the latest signs of the country shelving one of the most polemic mining products once and for all.
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Anglo’s sale of De Beers hindered by diamond market state

Anglo American has warned of more production cuts at De Beers due to reduced spending by Chinese consumers prolonging the market downturn.