Australian Greens want gold companies included in tax

Australia’s Green Party wants gold companies to be subject to the country’s proposed Mineral Resource Rent Tax (MRRT), Xinhua reports.

The tax, which expects to add $1.74 billion to the nation’s coffers, currently only applies to coal and iron ore companies.

The Greens  released a report calling on the federal government to include gold in the 30% tax:

The report showed if the original 40 percent resource super profits tax (RSPT) had not been abandoned in 2010, gold would have contributed 3.38 billion U.S. dollars over the next three years and 7.9 billion U.S. dollars over the next ten years.

The gold industry responded vigourously to the Greens’ suggestion, saying that the tax, added to 30% corporate tax and state royalties, would discourage exploration, reported The Australian: 

The Green Party holds the balance of power in Australia’s parliament.