Aussie model’s naked war on coal

Robyn Lawley, Australian fashion model and environmental campaigner is using social media to protest the approval of a massive new coal mine in Queensland.

The Carmichael project, which includes a new railway and the construction of a port near the Great Barrier Reef, is being advanced by an Indian conglomerate at a cost of $16 billion.

The Australian government on Monday approved the project which will have a capacity of 60 million tonnes of thermal coal a year, making it one of the biggest in the world.

Lawley, 25, posted a naked picture to her popular Instagram account accompanied by a passionate plea to stop the project (and coal mining in general it seems):

“Of course, I’m saddened and infuriated by the approval of Adani Group’s proposal and wanted to use my voice to raise awareness.

Many of my Instagram followers were previously unaware of the mine’s approval.

Moreover, they were unaware of what exactly is going to happen to the surrounding environment for the 90-year coal mine to take place—not to mention it will potentially open up access to another nine mine proposals.

The media recently asked the question, ‘Is the decision a sellout that Australians will live to regret?’

And I can tell you that it is.

Aussie model's naked war on coal