Another Important Step Towards Improving Local Environmental Conditions –Siemens VAI to Install Dedusting Facilities for New LD Steelmaking Converter at Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK) in Russia

Siemens VAI Metals Technologies received a contract from the Russian steel producer OJSC Novolipetsk Steel for the installation of dedusting systems and auxiliary equipment for a new LD (BOF) converter in Steel Works No. 2. The order value for Siemens is a two-digit-million euro figure. Start-up of the 325-ton-capacity converter is tentatively scheduled for 2011. This project for the installation of dedusting facilities is part of a broad company campaign underway at Novolipetsk Steel to considerably reduce emissions from their two oxygen steelmaking works and thus to improve the overall air quality in Lipetsk….more at