Anglesey inks rail agreement with QNS&L

Anglesey Mining’s 41%-owned  Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited (TSX: LIM) has entered into a life of mine transportation contract with Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway for transporting iron ore from LIM’s DSO iron ore projects near Schefferville.
The contract provides that QNS&L will carry LIM’s iron ore from Emeril Junction, Newfoundland and Labrador, to Sept-
les Junction, Quebec, on the QNS& L Railway. The railway already carries iron ore for Iron Ore Company of Canada, Wabush Mines and Consolidated Thompson’s (now Cliffs Resources) Bloom Lake Mine.
The iron ore will be delivered from LIM’s Silver Yards Plant, near Schefferville, to Emeril Junction by Tshiuetin Rail Transportation Inc.
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