Amerigo resumes operations for Codelco’s El Teniente in Chile after strike

BNAmericas reported that Vancouver-based tailings processor Amerigo Resources has resumed operations at its Minera Valle Central complex in central Chile’s region VI. The company said that the plant is once again in production, processing both fresh and old tailings from the El Teniente mine. Amerigo halted operations on June 6th 2011 as a result of the ongoing strike by contract workers at state copper producer Codelco’s El Teniente division. Amerigo’s sole business is to process copper and molybdenum tailings from El Teniente.

Steel Guru:

Approximately 11,000 contractors work at El Teniente in addition to the division’s 4,000 staff workers. El Teniente normally turns out 404,000 tonne per year of fine copper. Located in central region VI, it is Codelco’s most profitable division and contributed 31% of the USD 2.32 billion profit the company registered in Q1.