Alberta to phase out coal ‘as quickly as we reasonably can’ says premier

Despite getting 55% of its energy from coal-fired power plants, the Alberta premier says the province will drop coal.

“We will be looking for a strategy to phase out the use of coal as quickly as we reasonably can—without imposing unnecessary price shocks on consumers; or risking security of supply; or unnecessarily stranding capital,” said Premier Rachel Notley speaking to the Montreal Chamber of Commerce.

Notley says the future lays in renewables and energy efficiency.

“We need a roadmap to renewable energy, and we need to get the economics of that conversion right.”

She said a number of companies have invested in renewable energy production.

Another inducement to drop coal may be carbon pricing. When the NDP took the government after a spring election, it introduced carbon pricing. It forewarns further hikes may be on the way.

“We made a first move on this question in the spring, when we tripled the net effect of our province’s existing regulatory system, governing the cost of carbon.”

“The net price of carbon in Alberta has increased but still remains relatively low. “