Alberta government steps up marketing campaign to sway Americans on Keystone XL

The Canadian province of Alberta, home to the immense oil sands, sought to influence American opinion in the debate over the Keystone XL pipeline by placing a half-page, $30,000 ad entitled “Keystone XL: The Choice of Reason” in today’s New York Times.

The pipeline would send Canadian crude to Texas oil refineries near the Gulf of Mexico.

President Obama has delayed the final decision and is under mounting pressure from both sides of the contentious pipeline debate. Last week Obama took wind out of the sails of Keystone supporters by claiming that the economic benefits of the pipeline cited by Republicans were “probably exaggerated.”

The ad assures Americans that Alberta shares their desire to balance strong environmental policy, develop clean technology and to provide energy security and job opportunities for the middle class and returning war veterans.

Why Keystone is “The Choice of Reason,” according to the ad:

  • More energy from an ally with a strong environmental track record
  • Less gas in the tank from unstable foreign regimes
  • 42100 direct and spinoff jobs for Americans during construction
  • An average of 138,000 American spinoff jobs per year for the next 25 years from continued oil sands development

US opposition to the pipeline is significant. A recent rally in Washington turned out tens of thousands of protestors. New York Times contributor Thomas Friedman weighed in on the debate last week with an article entitled, “No to Keystone. Yes to Crazy.”