Pacific Booker’s mineral lease in British Columbia approved for one year

The Morrison mine project is located near Smithers, British Columbia, pictured here. Stock image.

British Columbia’s Chief Gold Commissioner issued a mining lease to Pacific Booker Minerals (TSXV:  BKM) for the area known as the Morrison mine project, located along the shore of Morrison Lake, approximately 65 kilometres northeast of the town of Smithers.

The project is comprised of mineral claims 625123, 625143 and 625183, which encompass approximately 1,090 hectares of land in the consultation area of the Lake Babine Nation and the Yekooche First Nation.

Despite the decision being a positive step for the miner, the lease was issued for an initial term of one year and not the maximum 30-year term requested by Pacific Booker in its August 28, 2009 application. 

 As recorded holder of the mining lease for the Morrison mine project, Pacific Booker may register an application to renew the term of the mining lease for a period of up to thirty years

The reason behind such a decision is the fact that the Lake Babine Nation, after being consulted, has opposed the project on multiple occasions.

However, the Chief Gold Commissioner said in his decision that he was satisfied with the consultation process and considered relevant facts and submissions before making it.

“I am of the view that a decision to issue a mining lease, with an initial term of one year, will not significantly impact the Aboriginal rights and interests of the LBN and the YFN. The applicant has fulfilled the requirements of the Mineral Tenure Act by completing a survey approved by the Surveyor General, posting a notice in the prescribed form in the office of the Chief Gold Commissioner, and publishing a notice in one issue of the Gazette and in local newspapers, as required,” the resolution reads. 

The Chief Gold Commissioner is the statutory decision-maker for a mining lease application under the Mineral Tenure Act. However, any proposed mining activity would require independent statutory decisions under separate legislation.