Boart Longyear receives B-BBEE certification, achieving fully compliant Level 4 contributor status in South Africa

Image courtesy of Boart Longyear

Boart Longyear is proud to announce receiving certification of compliance to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) initiatives established by the South African Department of Trade and Industry.

The official B-BBEE verification certificate was presented to local Boart Longyear management on 27 June 2019 by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), with independent auditing and full verification completed by Moore Stephens. Boart Longyear, under the legal entity Longyear South Africa Proprietary Limited, has achieved a B-BBEE Level 4 contributor status through 26 June 2020.

Based on the B-BBEE contribution levels used to score companies on specific empowerment criteria, Boart Longyear’s Level 4 status was achieved through its ratings on ownership, management, skills development, enterprise, supplier and socio-economic development.

“We are proud of our South African employees and their earnest efforts to gain this important recognition,” said Jeff Olsen, President and CEO of Boart Longyear. “We believe in the development of our people and the community. We are dedicated to providing equal employment opportunities and increasing the diversity of our workforce.”

B-BBEE certification establishes codes of fair practice in South Africa and provides an added value to accredited companies in building relationships with the community, suppliers, and customers.

Andre Van Heerden, South African General Sales Manager stated, “The B-BBEE certification is about recognizing where we are now and our continued commitment to transforming our organization to grow our team and benefit our employees and the communities in which we operate.”

The Boart Longyear South African office continues to focus on socially responsible activities to benefit individuals and the local community. As well as incorporating B-BBEE initiatives, the Company is involved in employee training programs, supplier development programs to bring previously disadvantaged people into the workplace, and supports the local Bethany House Trust, a charity for the children and youth of South Africa.


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