McEwen provides update on fatal accident at Gold Bar Mine in Nevada

On Monday, May 13, McEwen Mining reported that a fatal accident involving a contractor’s employee occurred at the Gold Bar Mine in Nevada. 

The Company initiated an investigation into the accident, working with the contractor and the local authorities to determine the cause. 

The accident involved a haul truck that overturned while operating at the site, and the individual who was fatally injured was its driver. There were no other injuries associated with the accident. 

On Friday, McEwen provided an update. The formal investigation by local authorities is not complete, the company said, but preliminary analysis by McEwen Mining suggests that the truck driver may have suffered a medical emergency while operating the haul truck prior to losing control, running up an embankment and overturning.  

The driver was found within minutes by another truck driver who immediately called for assistance. The section of haul road immediately around the accident site remains closed to allow for the investigation. Mine operations such as crushing and stacking on the heap leach pad resumed on Tuesday, drawing on available stockpiles of ore, and mining activities restarted Friday.  

McEwen conveyed sympathy to family, friends and colleagues for their sudden and tragic loss. Grief counselling and support is being offered to all employees and contractors at the mine, the company said.