Para pours first doré bar at Arizona mine

Photo from Para Resources.

Para Resources (TSXV: PBR) announced this week that it successfully tested the full CIP circuit at its Gold Road mine in Oatman, Arizona, including a test pour of gold.

In a press release, the Vancouver-based miner said that a 40-ounce doré bar was poured on March 11, 2019, from the initial carbon strips after the entire plant was balanced.

Para also reported that the full circuit of mining, crushing, grinding, leaching, electrowinning and smelting has now been fully tested and is operational.

Discovered in 1900, the Gold Road mine is located 24 kilometres northeast of the Arizona-California-Nevada border.

“The initial doré bar is concrete evidence that the entire mining cycle from mine to plant to smelting is working successfully and puts the Gold Road Mine operation on a solid base to ramp up to full capacity and meet the start-up schedule,” said the company’s president, Ian Harris, in the media statement. “We can now focus attention on mine development, adding additional mining faces to reach our goal of 3,000+ ounces per month, expected by the 3rd Quarter 2019.”

Discovered in 1900, the Gold Road mine is located 24 kilometres northeast of the Arizona-California-Nevada border and it consists of 112.74 hectares of 18 patented claims, four patented millsite claims totaling 8.08 hectares and 735.28 hectares of 91 unpatented claims fully owned or controlled by Para and its partners.

The Gold Road ore-processing facility where the doré bar was produced is located on private land and consists of a conventional 500-ton/day CIP mill that was built in 1995.