Could Gold and Oil Sand Tailings Ponds Soon Be Things of the Past?

The Sage Exchange is announcing the launch of a spin-off company, BluMakers, to commercialize new tailings technology. As part of this technology, BluMakers has recently filed a U.S. patent covering its novel “Sage Separator”

BluMakers is currently assembling a panel of experts to guide it through start-up; the ideal members are industry veterans (former CEOs, board members and senior executives) from oil sands and/or mining operations.

Preliminary discussions have been well received by both the oil industry and the private equity community. As most readers of InfoMine know, solving the “mature fine tailings” problem in the oil sands leads to a huge economic benefit; BluMakers believes its technology will do the job. Related solutions will also handle the tailings from gold and other mined metals.

If you wish to suggest yourself or someone else as an advisor, contact [email protected]. If you wish to be updated with BluMakers’ progress, contact [email protected]. If you need this technology as soon as possible, contact [email protected].