MICROMINE is pleased to announce the relocation of our MICROMINE Vancouver office

MICROMINE is pleased to announce the relocation of our MICROMINE Vancouver office effective November 1, 2018. The new office is located at 532 – 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3E1. The office remains in the same building, The World Trade Centre, enabling MICROMINE to stay in the iconic waterfront landmark and continue to be in the hub of conferences and world-class events.

The need for a new office stems from MICROMINE Canada’s rapid growth in operations and several new additions to the team. The office features an upgraded boardroom, a designated training room for clients, open space for company events and a breathtaking view of the Vancouver Harbour.

“Canadian mining exploration activities continue to be on the rise, and so is the demand for reliable mining software solutions. We have seen a significant increase in demand for all three of our software solutions, and as such our team continues to grow so that we can keep on providing the highest quality support service to our customers. Our new office space will allow us to host regular lunch-time training sessions for our clients during which we will provide tips, tricks and guidance to ensure our clients make the most of the MICROMINE tools they are using. This is an exciting move for MICROMINE Canada, and everyone is welcomed to stop by for a coffee to learn about our solutions, hear about upcoming releases and have an unobstructed view of the North shore mountains,” commented Amelie St-Onge, MICROMINE Canada’s Regional Manager.

Our telephone +1 (604) 646 8924 and fax numbers +1 (604) 696 0504 remain the same. General inquiries can be directed to [email protected] and [email protected] for customer product or technical support inquiries.