World’s Most Powerful People

Powerful People 021710

I was catching up on my reading backlog and came across a article from a while back titled “The World’s Most Powerful People.”

Of course, you see a list like that and you just have to open it.

The political leaders of the United States, China and Russia occupy the top three slots — hard to argue too much with that, though if the list came out today, the order might be different.

Batting cleanup is Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke — his considerable influence over the global economic recovery effort didn’t keep him from being raked over the coals by Congress during his reappointment hearing.

Next comes a run of businessmen — the co-founders of Google, Mexican multibillionaire Carlos Slim, media magnate Rupert Murdoch and then the CEO of Wal-Mart. Rounding out the top 10 are the king of Saudi Arabia and the king of Microsoft.

Further down you find the pope (#11), Warren Buffett (#14), the Dalai Lama (#39), Russian president Dmitry Medvedev (#43 — 40 slots below Mr. Putin), Steve Jobs (#57) and International Olympic Committee head Jacques Rogge (#60).

Not all on the list are using their power for good — North Korea’s dictator Kim Jung Il (#24), terror leader-in-hiding Osama bin Laden (#37), and Venezuela president and global agitator Hugo Chavez (#67).

Who makes these lists and their order is highly subjective and thus open to debate, so let the debate begin.

Find Out Who Else Made the List