“Dig Deep” – The Mining Podcast

A new Podcast is being launched on Thursday 8th November – “Dig Deep” – The Mining Podcast, which gives an insight to the global mining industry. The podcast is brought to you by Rob Tyson, mining head-hunter and founder and director of Mining International Ltd – specialists in the recruitment of mining professionals across the world.

The podcast will discuss and educate; talking about industry news, hot topics and company reviews through live interviews with mining professionals and leading figures in the mining industry. They will share their experiences and journeys to help others in the industry to overcome challenges and problems they may be experiencing.

The podcast is free to download on iTunes and Stitcher and is recommended to anyone in the mining or quarrying industry who wants to learn and connect with other like-minded people. There’s going to be bonuses and giveaways on launch day so stayed tuned on Thursday 8th November.

If you would like to be a guest on the podcast or would like to make a recommendation of a topic that you would like discussed or general feedback on the podcast, then please contact [email protected] and put PODCAST in the title.