On the move at SRK

13 July 2018 – Johannesburg: Leading global firm of engineers and scientists SRK Consulting has made a number of directorship and partnership appointments to its Global Board and its South African leadership.

At global level, South African partner Marcin Wertz has been appointed as a Director on the SRK Global Board. A mining engineer with over 31 years of experience, Wertz’s expertise includes the reviewing of mining methods, underground layouts and production scheduling for a range of underground hard rock mining conditions. He also conducts reserve audits, with an emphasis on the conversion of mineral resources to reserves. An important aspect of his work has been in the evaluation of underground operations, including issues of productivity; he also co-ordinates multi-disciplinary teams in conducting mining studies, from scoping and full feasibility studies to bankable standard.

Marcin Wertz – Partner and Director of SRK Consulting SA and SRK Global Board Member. Photography by Jeremy Glyn For SRK in May 2017.

Closer to home, SRK Consulting (South Africa) has appointed Cape Town-based partner Chris Dalgliesh as a Director. With 25 years of experience across a range of sectors in Africa and South America, Dalgliesh directs, manages and reviews environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs) – focusing on ensuring compliance with Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards. He works with clients to identify solutions to environmental challenges early in the project cycle – bringing insights from his economics background to highlight financial and social constraints.

Chris Dalgliesh – Cape Town Director of SRK Consulting SA.

SRK Consulting (South Africa) has also appointed one new Partner and three Associate Partners. The new Partner is Wouter Jordaan, who joined SRK in 2003 and is a Principal Environmental Scientist in the SRK Durban office and a Director in SRK’s DRC practice. His core roles are developing new business in East Africa and the DRC. He specialises in environmental due diligence, audits, environmental and social impact assessment, closure planning, sustainability standard implementation and geospatial analysis. He has extensive experience with greenfield and brownfield industrial developments across commodities and has been involved with various large‑scale linear infrastructure projects mainly related to power generation and electrification.

Wouter Jordaan – Partner SRK Consulting SA.

The three new Associate Partners are Steve Bartels, Lindsay Linzer and Sue Reuther. Bartels, a principal technologist in the SRK Johannesburg office, specialises in various aspects of civil engineering and has been with SRK since 2011. His work has included: road and rail design, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation; concrete technology; labour-intensive construction; structural steel fabrication; and tender process forensic audits. Among his recent southern African projects have been railway construction, lined stockpile storage facilities and project management.

Steve Bartels – Associate Partner SRK Consulting SA.

Linzer has 23 years’ combined experience in the processing and interpretation of seismic waves, and is a Principal Geophysicist in SRK’s Johannesburg office. She has a particular interest in mining seismology and has projects in the gold and platinum mining districts in South Africa and more recently, Sweden.  Among her specialist skills are determining seismic source mechanisms and forward modelling of elastic waves for different environments. She has applied state-of-the-art seismic reflection interpretation technology to extract information vital to shaft sinking, optimal borehole siting and mine planning.

Lindsay Linzer – Associate Partner SRK Consulting SA.

Reuther, a Principal Environmental Consultant in SRK’s Cape Town office, joined SRK in 2005 and has a combined 15 years of experience in environmental assessment and has practiced as an environmental consultant since 2005, after two years in finance. Besides managing environmental impact assessments and environmental and social due diligence reviews against IFC standards, she also undertakes specialist socio-economic and resource economic impact assessments. She has worked in a range of sectors, including mining, infrastructure, coastal developments, renewable and conventional power generation, aquaculture and oil and gas, across Africa and beyond.

Sue Reuther – Associate Partner and Principal Environmental Consultant in SRK’s Cape Town office.