Lithium becoming a very hot, high-tech metal and the rush is on

international-mining-logoDan Gleeson writes in IM’s September Leader on the growing importance of and interest in lithium, and, by association, Bolivia. In his latest newsletter, A Buck or Two, Tjalling (TJ) de Jong reports on the different lithium plays. TJ writes, “A small number of countries produce lithium from either brines or concentrates, Chile being the largest producer. Argentina, Chile and Australia together accounted for about 82% of the total lithium production in 2008. Supply of lithium is dominated by production of lithium from brines SQM FMC lithium and Chemetall and the sole mineral producer Talison Minerals of Australia. China has been ramping up production since 2000 but as of 2008 supplies 8% to the lithium market.” In just the past week alone International Mining has heard from five lithium explorers. (more…)