Hexagon releases improved mine geology suite

Tuscon, Arizona: 28 June 2018 Hexagon‘s Mining division today introduced an improved geology suite for exploration and resource geologists.

The HxGN MinePlan Geology Suite (formerly MineSight 3D, Geology CAD, Torque, QAQC, Logic, Drillhole Correlation, Sigma and GeoLogic) empowers users to store, manage, and analyze drillhole data, perform geological interpretation of deposits and generate accurate block models.

Today‘s release allows customers to access and deliver drillhole results while conducting more geostatistical studies. Drillhole data storage is more robust and easier to access with an SQL server. Customers can quickly and easily check out their data, work on it, and merge it back into the original master data.

The improvements are designed to increase the usability of a robust data model that meets the needs of all customers, from consultants to mines. Clients with data outside of Hexagon products can work with any type of ASCII format.

“By listening to our customers, we have improved our geostatistical solution to meet their needs,” said Ian Blumel, Planning Product Manager. “Building a suite fully integrated with our system allows more time for analysis rather than moving and conditioning files.”

Learn more at hexagon.com