Landmark publication highlights Australia’s mineral wealth

Australia’s mining industry is world-class, contributing AUD$236 billion to the national economy (15% of GDP). This contribution is largely a product of the country’s substantial and diverse ore deposits.

Since 1953, the Australasian Institute for Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) has been documenting important Australian ore deposits in a unique set of monograph publications providing readily accessible high-quality descriptions of their geological, geochemical and geophysical components.

The AusIMM, the peak body for professionals and managers in the resources sector, is preparing for the official launch of the much-anticipated sixth edition of Australian Ore Deposits (AOD) in conjunction with its President’s Dinner to be held in Melbourne later this month.

AOD is an invaluable technical reference, covering more than 150 significant deposits across 175 papers.

Rio Tinto Growth & Innovation group executive Stephen McIntosh said, “As the Foundation Sponsor, Rio Tinto is very proud to partner with AusIMM and the monograph series which makes a positive contribution to the geoscience community of Australia and celebrates the country’s vibrant mining industry.”

AusIMM Chief Executive Stephen Durkin said AOD is an important publication only made possible by the support of sponsors such as Rio Tinto.

“As an association representing 13,000 resources professionals, the AusIMM strives to produce cutting edge technical content to improve dissemination of knowledge across this global industry.

“With the support of sponsors including Rio Tinto, Geoscience Australia, South Australian Government and many more industry organisations, we have been able to produce a world class volume that will be an important reference for years to come.”

The publication will be officially launched on 30 November at the RACV City Club in the Melbourne CBD.

The event will be attended by senior resources sector professionals including many past AusIMM Presidents as well as representatives of industry sponsors.

The publication of this sixth edition continues the AusIMM’s proud 124-year history of producing prestigious reference volumes and technical material.

This 864-page publication, available in both hardback and digital formats, will prove to be an excellent resource for professionals in the sector for many years to come.

Landmark publication highlights Australia’s mineral wealth PDF