Qteq Board Welcomes Mining Professional

Perth-based mining and corporate governance specialist Mark Donovan (pictured) has been appointed to the Board of Qteq Pty Ltd as a non-executive director.

Mr Donovan has 22 years’ experience in the minerals industry and, before then, worked for more than 10 years as a lawyer and partner in a Perth legal firm, where he specialised in criminal and commercial litigation.

After moving into the minerals field, Mr Donovan held senior legal and managerial roles with WMC Resources and BHP Billiton, most recently as its head of corporate affairs for BHP Billiton’s Western Australian Iron Ore operations.

Qteq Chairman and Chief Executive Simon Ashton said Mr Donovan’s considerable experience in corporate governance and knowledge of the Australian minerals industry would be a valuable addition to the company’s Board.

“Mark has a thorough understanding of the industry across legal, risk, governance, communications and government affairs,” Mr Ashton said.

“He has extensive experience in commercial and contractual negotiations and has led multi-disciplinary teams in a broad range of areas, from exploration to negotiating native title agreements and development agreements with state governments.”

Mr Donovan takes up his new appointment on November 1, 2017.

About the company:

Qteq (qteq.com.au) is a technology services company, registered and headquartered in Queensland in 2017, that is led by a team with decades of experience in various energy sectors across the globe. It is focused on bridging a link between (a) low-volume, high-cost, best-in-class, offshore oil and gas technologies and (b) high-volume, fit-for-purpose, price-point-appropriate technologies required by onshore georesource (hard rock and solution mining, coal mining, coal seam gas and groundwater) industries. The process of adapting, repurposing, simplifying and transforming existing technologies, as well as introducing cutting-edge solutions, is viewed by Qteq as the key to driving down resource development costs, increasing operational safety and improving environmental quality of life. Qteq is committed to accurately measuring and monitoring georesource assets, thereby enabling industry operators to manage and mitigate technical and commercial risk. Supplying such capabilities at an affordable price is made possible by Qteq’s expertise in Big Data analytics that, in turn, enables exploration and production operators to realise substantial efficiency gains, cost reductions and better environmental outcomes.