Boart Longyear updates digital presence with new, robust website

SALT LAKE CITY — August 29, 2017 — Mining companies and drilling contractors need detailed information to make informed decisions when purchasing a new rig, shopping for drilling consumables or hiring a drilling contractor for an exploration, production, sonic, underground or water management drilling project. To better support our customers, Boart Longyear has launched its new website——with easy-to-find specific and detailed product and services information.

In addition to its new design, the website makes it easier to access rig specifications, high-resolution photos, drilling services qualifications, MSDS documents, and drilling products catalogs. The website includes an interactive contact map with phone numbers, physical and email addresses for Boart Longyear representatives and distributors around the world. Plus, the new website features a repository of compelling case studies, insightful articles and expertise straight from the field.

“This is a noteworthy advancement in our digital presence that will benefit both our current and potential customers,” said Jeff Olsen, President and CEO. “The new look and feel of the new website is only the beginning. The objective of launching the new site is to offer more opportunities to learn and interact with Boart Longyear.”

About Boart Longyear

Established in 1890, Boart Longyear is the world’s leading provider of drilling services, drilling equipment and performance tooling for mining and drilling companies. It also has a substantial presence in parts and service, energy, mine dewatering, oil sands exploration, production drilling, and down-hole instrumentation.

The Global Drilling Services division operates for a diverse mining customer base spanning a wide range of commodities, including copper, gold, nickel, zinc, uranium, and other metals and minerals. The Global Products division designs, manufactures and sells drilling equipment, performance tooling, down-hole instrumentation and parts and services.

Boart Longyear is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in Sydney, Australia (ASX:BLY). More information about Boart Longyear can be found at To get Boart Longyear news direct, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.