The world’s largest diamond miner just found two massive rocks

Evaluating diamonds quality at Alrosa’s Sorting Centre in the city of Mirny. (Image courtesy of Alrosa)

Russia’s Alrosa (MCX:ALRS), the world’s top diamond producer by output in carats, said Wednesday it has found two large rough diamonds this week at its operations in Yakutia, in the country’s far East.

On Wednesday, a very large rough diamond weighing almost 110 carats was found at the company’s’ Mirny Mining and Processing Division. Two days earlier, a 75-carat rough diamond was recovered at the Processing Plant No. 14 of Aikhal mining and processing division.

Alrosa believes both rocks are gem-quality, but will confirm that once the diamonds are analyzed at the company’s diamond sorting centre.

Both rocks, said the Russian miner, are octahedron crystals with small inclusions, one of them with a straw-yellow tint. Following the company’s tradition, they will be given a name in the coming days.
