MICROMINE releases Pitram 4.8, the latest version of the leading fleet management and mine control solution

MICROMINE is pleased to announce the release of Pitram 4.8, the latest version of the leading fleet management and mine control solution. Pitram 4.8 delivers major new functionality including Pitram’s new mobile application, Pitram Connect, while also addressing several key client issues.

With the release of Pitram 4.8, MICROMINE enables both underground and surface operations to reduce costs, increase productivity and improve safety and business intelligence.

Pitram Connect is MICROMINE’s new mobile application that offers seamless third-party integration on your mobile device via Pitram’s REST Integration Services (PRIS). Pitram Connect provides insight into the operations at your mine site without requiring users to directly contact mine control personnel or be at a workstation.

With Pitram Connect, users have access to various mine site related data:

  • Performance metrics show you how the mine is performing with configurable options providing you with the real-time information you need
  • Equipment data provides real-time information regarding your mining fleet
  • Location provides information about the type, detail and status of locations
  • The Operator screens provides real-time information on primary operators and allows you to quickly identify what equipment an operator is using, at which location, and for what duration

Using Pitram Connect will allow mine control personnel to access data anywhere and at any time, giving insight into their mine all at their fingertips.

Other major features of Pitram 4.8 include:

  • Reference Data Editor has a more intuitive user interface to improve the interaction with the Qualification and the Operator Qualification reference groups
  • It is now possible to filter by Shift Boss in both the Pitram Portal (Reporting) and when reporting with OLAP Cube
  • The OLAP Cube has been extended to include a new fact (Fact SMU) which allows reporting on measures against SMU hours
  • A new action has been included in PRIS which allows Pitram’s Portal Reporting jobs to be triggered remotely
  • A new Location Timeline panel can now be used to track location activities

Pitram 4.8 also addresses a number of issues including:

  • Improved rollover event state on historic event synchronization
  • Pitram Portal search function broken when no attributes are associated to token
  • Equipment Timeline Report was not rendering dates correctly
  • Pitram Mobile buttons stopped working when pressed

For more information about Pitram 4.8 or to find out how the solution can help your site to increase productivity and reduce costs, please contact us.


MICROMINE is a leading provider of innovative software solutions that span the breadth of the mining cycle from geological exploration and data management, to resource estimation, mine design, planning and production control.

Customers use MICROMINE software to maximise their asset value, increase productivity and for decisions on which they know they can rely. Our software is renowned for its ease of use yet powerful capabilities. All products are available in numerous languages and supported by local experts. Founded 30 years ago, MICROMINE solutions are used at more than 2,000 sites in over 90 countries.