$10 Million blue diamond arrives in Canada

Kashif Khan, Flawless Management’s CEO. Photo by Flawless Management.

Flawless Management’s CEO, Kashif Khan, wants Canadian investors to get acquainted with some unusual diamonds, including a $10 million flawless 7.5 carat blue diamond and other rare-coloured stones.

“Rare coloured diamonds have offered investors all of the benefits of more conventional hard assets like gold, but their price performance has been much stronger. Pink diamonds have increased in value almost 400% in the last ten years,” Khan said in a press release. He holds records for both the first and second most valuable diamonds sold at auction in the country.

The executive for the Toronto-based asset management firm decided to showcase the singular gems to celebrate the launching of a new mutual fund trust for Canadian diamond fund investors. The fund is the latest addition to Flawless’ portfolio of federally registered RRSP, TFSA, and RESP products.