Aalborg Portland Cementir Holding awards A TEC the contract for upgrading Cement Kiln 87 in Aalborg. It is a 4500tpd semi-dry kiln system which was commissioned in 1988. Two new calciners are designed and delivered by A TEC during the annual kiln stop in February/March 2017. The project aims to increase the production of grey clinker. A TEC is going to adapt the flow pattern of the calciner system in a way to improve the operation behavior of the system significantly. The design will be configured for the usage of 100% SAF with the lowest possible emissions. Additionally the number of kiln stops due fall through cyclone blockages will be reduced. A TEC carries out the basis- and detail engineering, supplies the equipment and is responsible for the erection and documentation.
A TEC Post Combustion Chamber
The new calciner system will be equipped with the A TEC Post Combustion Chamber (PCC) for the optimized mixture of fuels and combustion air in the end section of the calciner. The PCC was specially developed for the achievement of complete combustion of alternative fuels at high substitution rates.
About A TEC
A TEC Production & Service GmbH is an engineering and technologies company located in Austria. It is focussed on optimization and efficiency improvement of cement plants. In total, A TEC has successfully completed more than 600 cement plant optimization projects.
Part of modern cement plant operation is the usage of alternative fuels. A TEC can offer the complete AF system for nearly any kind of solid and liquid waste materials including material handling, preparation, storage and feeding into the kiln.
Besides A TEC’s core business of cement plant optimization, A TEC provides consultancy and overall project management and supervision for Greenfield and Brownfield projects (e.g. EPCM), including assistance in tendering process and assistance with environmental and other local norms and standards.