This rare blue diamond was just found in Australia

This rare blue diamond was just found in Australia

The Kaye open pit is part of the Merlin diamond mine. (Image courtesy of Merlin Diamonds)

Merlin Diamonds (ASX:MED) has recovered a rare blue diamond from its Merlin mine in Australia’s Northern Territory, currently in the ramp up phase.

The company said that while it was “only a small diamond at 0.124 carats” it demonstrates the potential for valuable coloured precious rocks at the operation.

The finding “is believed to be the first blue diamond produced at Merlin,” the company said in a statement.

Blue diamonds are even more unusual than pink ones, normally found at Rio Tinto’s Argyle mine in Western Australia.

This rare blue diamond was just found in Australia

Image courtesy of Merlin Diamonds.

In June, a massive intense blue diamond, known as The Cullinan Dream, fetched $25.4 million at a Christie’s auction in New York, breaking all records and becoming the most expensive gem of its kind ever sold at auction.

Australia’s largest diamond, a 104.73 carat stone, was discovered at Merlin, which was run by Rio Tinto and Ashton Mining between 1999-2003, before being acquired in 2014 by Merlin Diamonds, formerly North Australian Diamonds.