MICROMINE Russia Regional Manager Awarded Golden Sign at the 6th All-Russian Miners’ Congress

On November 25th, MICROMINE attended the 6th All-Russian Miners’ Congress in Moscow. The Congress is one of the key industry events of the year and is attended by representatives of the federal legislative bodies as well as senior executives from major Russian mining companies. Participants discuss and propose a number of new initiatives to address pressing development problems in the natural resources sector.

During the event, MICROMINE Regional Manager, Boris Kurtsev, was awarded the Golden Sign “Miner of Russia” by Supreme Mining Council Chairman, Yuriy Shafranik, for his outstanding personal contribution to the development of the mining sector in Russia.

Boris expressed his satisfaction with receiving the award “It’s a great honour to receive this award and I’m very proud of my achievements”. He added “We don’t want these results to stop and we will continue working towards our main projects with extra determination.”

MICROMINE is currently working on three major initiatives in Russia. The first is the integration of a geographic information system (GIS) into Russian universities who specialise in mining. They are also developing the Russian-Austrian relationship to further improve the services provided by international companies. The final project is the introduction of more IT into the mining industry with the aim of boosting the operational efficiency of mining operations and improving the standard of safety.

An exhibition was also held as part of the Congress during which MICROMINE specialists were showcasing Micromine 2016, the latest version of our industry leading exploration and 3D mine design solution as well as our flexible and secure data management solution, Geobank. Working with Russian company, HoloGroup, who develop applications for HoloLens, MICROMINE presented 3D visualisations of a deposit model in Micromine. Participants who tried on the HoloLens were enthused about how the technology could be developed for use in the mining industry.

MICROMINE would like to thank the Congress organisers for inviting us and we wish them further success for the event.


MICROMINE is a leading provider of innovative software solutions that span the breadth of the mining cycle from geological exploration and data management, to resource estimation, mine design, planning and production control.

Customers use MICROMINE software to maximise their asset value, increase productivity and for decisions on which they know they can rely. Our software is renowned for its ease of use yet powerful capabilities. All products are available in numerous languages and supported by local experts. Founded 30 years ago, MICROMINE solutions are used at more than 2,000 sites in over 90 countries.