US Presidential election forecast 2016 – will America vote for BrExit freedom?

It’s November and not just America but the whole world is counting down to the US election day. Gone is the fantasy reporting of a week ago when the mainstream press, pollsters, political pundits, analysts, book makers and markets were literally all concluding that Hillary Clinton was heading for not just an election win but a landslide victory. And then the FBI detonated their Hillary emails bomb which has galvanised into action what had been a Trump campaign literally on life support, which saw many cowardly republicans throwing in the towel, abandoning the Trump ship, leaving the Trump Terminator to keep relentlessly plowing on and on, on his own, regardless of what the establishment media threw at him every other day, that which would have killed off any ordinary candidate’s campaign months ago!

And which I warned in an article was another reason to not quite yet write Trump off (Can Donald Trump, The Terminator Still Win the Election Despite, Pollsters, Bookies, Media and Pundits?) referencing the video I posted on the 4th of October that portrayed Donald Trump as a Terminator figure that refuses to stop!In my election forecast of September 25th, and accompanying video I concluded that Donald Trump would WIN the general election due to the BrExit factor that allowed for a 3-4% swing in the outcome which would not show up in the opinion polls. And so as a consequence of Donald Trump being the first anti-establishment candidate in perhaps at least 40 years was expected to capitalise on the BrExit factor.