This is the world’s largest flawless heart-shaped diamond

(Photo: Graff Diamonds).

Yes, they are a girl’s BFFs. Of course, not every girl can get them and this particular gemstone is definitely a hard-to-get booty.

Graff Diamonds has just revealed in London its Graff Venus, the largest D Flawless heart shape diamond in the world, which weighs 118.78 carats and is the size of a walnut. 

(Photo: Graff Diamonds).

(Photo: Graff Diamonds).

The rock has been described as a flawless type IIA with excellent polish, excellent symmetry and no fluorescence. These features are only attributed the top diamonds in the planet.

The Venus was cut from a 357-carat rough discovered at the Letšeng Mine in Lesotho in 2015.

It took 18 months for the stone to take shape, starting from discovery, going through the analysis process and developing new technology to cut and polish the main diamond and the 22 other satellite stones yielded from the same piece of rough.

(Photo: Graff Diamonds).

(Photo: Graff Diamonds).

Who will be the lucky girl to receive this record-breaking gem? That’s to be seen as, for now, Graff plans to showcase it around the world before setting it as a jewel.