Aquamec launches new Watermaster Dredger – Classic V

New Watermaster Classic V - Powerful Mobile

New Watermaster Classic V – Powerful Mobile

The amphibious multipurpose Watermaster dredgers are used worldwide in maintaining tailings ponds and process water ponds and in recovering valuable materials from drainage ponds and tailings ponds. With its large selection of heavy duty attachments, the versatile Watermaster can do all the work that conventionally requires separate machines, including dredging, excavating, raking, piling and hammering.

Dredging Capacity +50 percent - New Watermaster Classic V

Dredging Capacity +50 percent – New Watermaster Classic V

Watermaster Classic V has 50 % more suction dredging capacity compared to the Classic IV -model. Aquamec’s continuous research and development work has also generated the innovative Watermaster Urban dredging concept and new features for hard soil dredging.

Watermaster Classic V

With a bigger Watermaster Cutter Pump together with a more powerful engine and other new features, the Classic V reaches 900 m3/h pumping output.

“It would be easy to increase dredging capacity by growing the size and weight of the dredger, but at the same time you would lose the excellent mobility, which is the key feature of an amphibious dredger. The challenge has been to increase dredging capacity while keeping the dredger compact, mobile and robust at the same time. Watermaster is a unique combination of these features” says Mr. Lauri Kalliola, Managing Director of Aquamec. The size of the Watermaster has stayed basically the same (20 tons) since the first generation model, Classic I, but the capacity has nearly tripled since then. “Watermaster Classic V is truly amphibious, not just in theory. It can work and move where others cannot, in the whole shallow water area from dry ground to 6 meters depth” adds Mr. Kalliola.

The Classic V -model has gone through an extensive test program over the last two years. Several units have been operating in various environments for thousands of hours.

New innovative urban dredging concept and new features for hard soil dredging

Urban Dredging Concept - New Watermaster Innovations

Urban Dredging Concept – New Watermaster Innovations

Watermaster’s patented Cutting Knife System for debris enables Watermaster to pump soils containing a significant amount of plastics and other urban trash and thus dredge in areas where only excavation work was previously possible. Other new features increase the pace of the urban dredging process further.

The new hard soil cutter crown together with the bigger, more powerful hydraulic motor take Watermaster Classic V to a new capacity level in hard soil dredging, too.

Watermaster creating a new channel to level water in a tailings dam

Watermaster creating a new channel to level water in a tailings dam

Watermaster 30 Years

The Finnish company Aquamec Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets Watermaster dredgers. Aquamec’s

Watermaster Classic I was the first dredger in the amphibious multipurpose dredger category. It was launched 30 years ago (1986), followed by Classic II in 1996 and Classic III in 2003. Watermaster Classic IV was launched in 2011 and the 2017 version of the same model is manufactured alongside Classic V. Watermasters are solving shallow water projects in over 70 countries worldwide.

Tailings pond work in a nickel mine - Finland

Tailings pond work in a nickel mine – Finland

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