Clarification by CENADEP in regards to Civil Society participation in the November 2016 Kimberley Process Plenary Session in Dubai

CENADEP (National Support Centre for Development and Popular Participation), a member of the Civil Society Coalition, was stunned to discover an article about our organization in the United Arab Emirates press – more specifically, in the October 23, 2016 issue of The National Business. 

The article, entitled DR Congo NGO ends boycott of UAE’s Kimberley Process Chairmanship, states that CENADEP broke ranks with the Civil Society Coalition-led boycott of the Kimberley Process plenary session in Dubai in November 2016.  Indeed, in November 2015 in Luanda, the 11 members of the Civil Society Coalition decided that the ‘red line’ had been crossed with concerns over the UAE’s lenient standards and antagonistic relationship with the coalition, and agreed to boycott the country’s chairmanship of the Kimberley Process.  

RELATED: Members of Civil Society confirm attendance at KP Plenary in Dubai

While some progress has been made under the United Arab Emirates’ chairmanship, CENADEP still stands with the Civil Society Coalition and supports the boycott launched in November 2015. 

If one of our CENADEP officers has indeed responded to a letter sent by the Chairman of the Kimberley Process and confirmed that they would attend the plenary session in Dubai, they have done so on personal terms. Their response does not commit our organization in any way. 


Director General