MICROMINE Announces Advisory Board of John McGagh and Mitchell Hooke

MICROMINE is pleased to announce the establishment of an Advisory Board comprising John McGagh and Mitchell Hooke AM, both recognised for their exceptional contribution to the global mining sector.

“We are honoured Mitch and John accepted our invitation to join our Advisory Board,” said Claire Tuder, CEO and Director of MICROMINE.

“Their enthusiasm, passion, knowledge and experience are invaluable and will stimulate our thinking and planning for the future.”

Mr Hooke is currently Chairman of Partners in Performance International – a global management consulting firm for mineral resources, agricultural, industrial manufacturing and services industries, and he is also a Non- Executive Director of ASX listed and non-listed public companies, and was formerly a Director of a USA based private equity company in the global resources services sector.

Mr Hooke was appointed as a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) on Australia Day 2016.

Mr Hooke is globally recognised for his in-depth knowledge and strategic leadership in both Australian and global public policy advocacy, and commercial operational practices, spanning over 30 years as a national and international industry leader across the agricultural, food and grocery, and mining industries.

Particularly recognised for his contribution to public policy development and operational practices for mining businesses in the global pursuit of sustainable development in all of its manifestations, and especially community engagement with indigenous Australians.

“This initiative is indicative of MICROMINE’s systematic thirst for knowledge in their globally acclaimed innovative design and application of software solutions in expediting the discovery and transformation of natural resources endowment into societal wealth” commented Mr Hooke.

John McGagh is recognised for driving business change and growth; particularly in the areas of applied industrial technology and innovation and the application of digital business solutions.

He currently serves as Chief Digital Officer – Snowy Hydro; an integrated energy company spanning renewable energy generation.

Prior to joining Snowy Hydro, Mr McGagh was Head of Innovation at Rio Tinto and implemented a range of break-through technologies including the flagship Mine of the Futuretm program, autonomous vehicles, advanced remote sensing, real time connection of industrial operations to remote excellence centres, advanced real time data modelling and “big data” solutions spanning operations and maintenance.

Mr McGagh stated, “It is an honour to be assisting in this great venture.”

The Advisory Board will provide the MICROMINE Board of Directors and management with unparalleled insight to assist the development of the company’s projects, business and future opportunities.


With over 12,000 clients in more than 90 countries, MICROMINE is a leading provider of intuitive software solutions for the entire mining process.

MICROMINE understands the software and consultancy needs of exploration and mining operations around the world. Located in 20 of the world’s major mineral producing capitals, our team is close to your operation. This means MICROMINE can provide local support and services in your language and time zone.

MICROMINE’s intuitive solutions are delivered by a team of specialists who understand the software and how it can be integrated into an operation for maximum results.