Northern College Board of Governors Approves New 2016-2020 Strategic Plan

TIMMINS, ON: Northern College is pleased to announce that its Board of Governors approved the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan at its January 12, 2016 Board meeting. “The Board of Governors is pleased to support the new Strategic Plan, providing direction for new initiatives that will ensure the college continues to meet the needs of our students and communities,” said the Chair of the Board, Mr. George Kemp.

This plan was developed with the involvement of over 500 individuals, participating in four separate engagement opportunities whereby the College’s current strategic directions were reaffirmed and will continue to guide the college towards achieving its mission of “Excelling in quality, accessible education through innovative programs, services and partnerships for the benefit of our northern communities.”

Northern College is committed to the success and wellbeing of communities in Northeastern Ontario and as a strong partner, to continue to provide community leadership. This includes providing programs that support the achievement of students’ learning and employment goals in their field of study; ensuring our programs meet local employers’ needs; and contributing towards a strong workforce for increased community, social and economic growth.

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan’s four strategic directions include Accessible Education, Signature Programs, Northern Experience, and Indigenous Perspectives, at the heart of which are student and community success. Under these four strategic directions, nine new aspirational objectives have been developed which will serve as a framework for the development of the College’s Annual Business Plans.

“The nine aspirational objectives, while underpinned by our four renewed strategic directions, provide new direction for our college,” states President Fred Gibbons. “The new plan promises to be both challenging and transformative, for our college, as it takes into account the reality of the North’s economy while respecting the North’s aspirations to see successful and vibrant communities. Staff will immediately set about developing our 2016-2017 Business Plan that will draw on the wealth of information now available to us.”

Northern College thanks all of its employees and community partners for their insights and contributions towards achieving this new strategic plan.

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, which is effective April 1, 2016, will officially be launched in late spring.