Mineral Exploration Roundup 2016 is underway

AME BC’s 2016 Mineral Exploration Roundup conference opens this morning running from January 25-28 at Canada Place in Vancouver, BC.

This year’s conference will bring together geoscientists, prospectors, investors, suppliers and First Nation partners to share ideas that will help shape the future of mineral exploration and development. As the mineral exploration and development industry continues to work through the current downturn, we reflect on the importance of networking, professional development and relationship building with our partners, stakeholders and competitors. Mineral deposits are becoming harder to find; we must now travel to more remote locations, search deeper beneath cover, and sometimes settle for lower grades. These aspects, coupled with the challenging market conditions, remind us that we must be more creative and collaborative as we explore to discover and develop new mineral deposits.

infographic amebc roundup

Mineral Exploration Roundup 2016, Innovation in Exploration, will focus on sharing new ideas, generating new connections and creating collaborative solutions. Our prominent Technical Sessions will highlight projects that have overcome challenges to succeed by using a combination of tried and tested techniques and new, innovative solutions. The best-practice Show Case Sessions will explore new ideas in areas of the industry that must be mastered to successfully navigate challenges and opportunities. Lastly, our public outreach presentation, “Discovery Day” has been expanded to feature more interactive displays, industry-focused public-interest talks, and activities for your whole family.

Images of Canada Place from Wikipedia.