Northern College welding student honoured by Canadian Welding Association

KIRKLAND LAKE, ON: Deborah Mates, the Director of the CWA Foundation, was at the Kirkland Lake campus on Monday to recognize Northern College’s third year Welding Engineering co-op student Andy Yang for his

Student Andy Yang, and Deborah Mates, the Director of the CWA Foundation

Student Andy Yang, and Deborah Mates, the Director of the CWA Foundation

passion and academic excellence in welding. The CWA Foundation founded in 2014 recognizes high-achieving College and University students who are entering into their second or third year of a full-time program in welding at a publicly funded Canadian College or University.

“I am honoured to be a recipient of the Canadian Welding Association Post-Secondary Awards” said Yang. “The experience I have gained through the Welding Engineering Technology program at Northern College has truly given me the opportunity to succeed in the Welding Engineering field. The support I received from faculty, family and friends was all the motivation I needed to persist through any challenges I faced. I look forward to continue learning, and aiming for high performance in the adventures of this field.”

Josh Fuller, Professor and Program Coordinator for the Welding Engineering program spoke highly of his third year student stating “Andy is the highest achieving student currently enrolled in the third year of the Welding Engineering Technology co-op program at Northern College.” “Not only is Andy a leader in his class, he also possesses a positive, cheerful attitude, coupled with a strong work ethic.” Fuller also added “Beyond what I’ve observed as an instructor, Andy’s co-op employers have consistently given him good reviews. I believe that Andy will be a significant contributor towards the advancement of the Canadian welding industry when he graduates from Northern College.”

The Canadian Welding Bureau Group Board of Directors and Management recognized in 2013 that the CWB Group needed to support the welding industry further to address current and future shortages, plus the significant changes happening in the industry. The Foundation is creating access opportunities for all levels of education, from elementary to post-secondary, including women, Indigenous peoples, and individuals with disabilities and visible minorities.

Northern College recognizes the need for highly trained individuals in the welding field, as our graduates of the Welding Engineering programs are highly sought, and continue to play a significant role in the welding industry not only in Ontario and Canada, but worldwide.