David Morgan: There is no run like a gold run… except for a silver run!

First of all, Happy Holidays! As a token of our appreciation for your support, we have teamed up with David Morgan to offer a special gift – a FREE Report on one of David’s favorite mining picks. AND, we will be giving away 5 signed copies of David’s book The Silver Manifesto.  Simply sign up for the free report and you will be entered to win a free copy of the book.

Just click here to sign up and instantly receive your report! (www.themorganreport.com/newreport)

This week we talk about the impending return of the gold bull, and David reminds us that there is no fever like gold fever! Other topics of discussion are the mining equities and metal price manipulation. You don’t want to miss this year end wrap up, with David’s predictions for 2016 and beyond!

Listen to Interview with David Morgan

David Morgan - there is no run like a gold run............

Watch Interview with David Morgan

Talking points from this week’s interview

• In a bull market, the equities lead the metals
• If David was in a courtroom, he would prove the manipulation theory by simply pointing to the charts – it’s that obvious!
• Scared to pull the buy trigger? Hold your nose and buy anyway!
• Don’t give up on this sector!
• A Happy holiday message from David to all our listeners