Weir, Xylem and Kirloskar ranked world’s leading pump manufacturers

A recent survey by Timetric’s Mining Intelligence Center (MIC) asked over 630 mine managers and senior decision-makers across more than 500 mines globally, to nominate the leading manufacturers (in first and second place) for different types of mining equipment, including pumps and submersibles, regardless of their own supplier.

With more than 240 votes and nominating 50 different manufacturers, combining nominations as the first and second leading company, respondents nominated Weir Minerals as the leading manufacturer of mining pumps, dewatering pumps and submersibles, receiving 24% of the total nominations. This was followed by Xylem with 14% of the total nominations, and Kirloskar in third place with 9%. AllightSykes was next with 5% of the total pool and KSB received 4% rounds out the top five manufacturers.

The results show the strength of Weir Minerals in penetrating the market in five of the six regions, where they received more than 20% of the votes. Xylem, however, is the only other top manufacturer that received nominations in every region, with the most mentions in Latin America of the leading manufacturers.

Australia, Asia and Africa appear to be more competitive markets for the leading players as four out five of the top manufacturers received nominations in each of these regions. AllightSykes, an Australian based company, was mentioned the most in Australia but was also considered as a leading manufacturer in Asia and Africa. Kirloskar appears to be the leading pumps manufacturer in Asia receiving 41% of the total nominations for the region. Although Kirloskar is an Indian-based company it is also nominated as Africa’s leading manufacturer.

Timetric’s Senior Mining Analyst Nez Guevera comments: “Conditions in mining industries around the world remain challenging as the fall in commodity prices have far-ranging impacts that will continue to weaken the unit sales of new mining pumps. However, there are opportunities for growth with the demand for replacement pumps, a bigger focus on recycling and reusing water, and investments made towards productivity improvements.”

Timetric’s survey covered respondents across the globe, extending across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the former Soviet Union, North America and Latin America.

Top five manufacturers and the percentage of nominations they received within each of the different regions, 2015.

Top five manufacturers and the percentage of nominations they received within each of the different regions, 2015.

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About Timetric’s Mining Center

Timetric’s Survey will be published under its Mining Intelligence Center. The Mining Intelligence Center provides critical, forward-looking market intelligence to support clients’ investment strategies and customer targeting. Delivering information on projects, purchasing behaviour, commodities and markets, the service enables clients to identify new opportunities, predict developments in their markets and adapt to customers’ future needs.