Trunnion Magnetic Separator at Kemi Mine

An Eriez Trunnion Magnetic Separator has been utilised by Finnish ferrochromium producers, Outokumpu Tornio Works, in their efforts to improve chromite concentrate production in the company’s Kemi Mine.

The Eriez Trunnion Magnet is a powerful system for the automatic separation and removal of processing balls and ferrous chips from milled ore in ball or SAG mills. Typically the system consists of a permanent magnetic arc that partially covers a rotating blind trunnion positioned at the ball or SAG mill discharge. The milled ore is fed into the trunnion, capturing the ball chip fragments which are held by the magnetic arc. The fragments are then released at the top of the trunnion barrel where the magnetic arc terminates, and are discharged into a collection hopper on the inside….more at MEIOnline