Queensland’s ‘enough is enough’ job campaign gains momentum

Queenslanders are standing up for resource sector jobs through an online petition that has kick-started a campaign to close the legal loopholes that are tying up projects in red tape.

The Queensland Resources Council online ‘Enough is Enough’ petition has now reached more than 2000 signatures, just a month after its launch.

QRC Chief Executive Michael Roche said the petition had quickly received an outstanding response with almost 50 percent of people who signed the petition also making supportive comments about the importance of fighting for jobs in the resources sector.

‘This shows that many people are sick and tired of green activists exploiting legal loopholes to ‘disrupt and delay’ resource development projects and they want to have a voice too and say ‘enough is enough’,’ Mr Roche said.

‘The petition is gathering momentum and what we’re seeing from the nearly one thousand comments is that people from around Queensland and indeed around Australia, have welcomed the chance to protest against green activists hijacking the debate.

‘This is especially important in regional Queensland, which is doing it tough at the moment after the loss of thousands of jobs.

‘We see evidence, as recently as last week in the Supreme Court with the GVK Hanock’s Alpha Coal Project, where green activists sought to blatantly game the legal system to stop important job-creating projects.

‘Thankfully in the case of the Alpha project, the courts saw the actions of the activists for what they were and ruled in the company’s favour, and awarded costs against the activists.’

Mr Roche said comments posted to the online petition showed that there were many people who wanted balance and common sense injected into the debate and who realised the vital economic contribution that the resource sector makes to local, state and national economies.

‘This is the first time we have launched an online petition to give people a voice to stand up for jobs and we are very pleased with the response so far,’ he said.

Mr Roche said he would travel to Canberra early next week and would brief Federal Ministers and Shadow Ministers on the petition results and seek their support for legislation to close the loopholes.

The petition would remain open for the foreseeable future and Mr Roche urged Queenslanders who wanted to stand up for jobs to sign the e-petition on the QRC’s web site qrc.org.au.

Sample of comments posted to QRC online petition

‘I’m proud to work in the mining industry. If the activists invested the time instead of protesting to understand the procedures mining companies go through in relation to environmental action it would be more beneficial.’
Silvia Sikler, Brisbane

‘We need these projects. We need to counter the e-terrorism being put out by the agenda driven fringe dwellers.’
George Martin, Mackay

‘As a man responsible for bringing in the income for a family of 5 it is a current worry whether your job is safe from one day to the next. And with little work locally to fall back on if things go bad it’s infuriating that my future and family’s future could be decided by something as small as a loop hole.’
Matt Dowdle, Happy Valley, Queensland.

‘Have a GOOD look at what the sudden down turn in mining has done to western, central and North Queensland. Queensland needs this.’
Melissa Daveth, Brisbane

‘This delaying tactics need to stop. Jobs are vital for the economy of this region.’
Joseph George Linton, Townsville

‘Obviously the greenies in Mackay are all unemployed or unemployable … having a job is not a consideration for them.’
Karen, Bracken Ridge

‘Save our jobs.’
Mark Coble, Cleveland

‘The Queensland economy and the lifestyle and services that people expect are jeopardised by these activists. We need environmental safeguards but enough is enough.’
Ian Withnall, Brisbane

‘Bowen needs this expansion to go ahead before we become extinct, businesses are struggling to keep their doors open.’
Rebecca Matthias, Townsville

‘This area, as is the country, is in real trouble at present and this mine would provide some much needed employment for this area as well as some positive vibes. ‘
Chris Stone, Brisbane

‘Greenies get a grip!!! Jobs, jobs and more jobs.’
Ruth Everett, Clayfield