SRK Consulting (SA) – New head for SRK in Africa

30 July 2015 – Johannesburg: SRK Consulting (SA), the Africa arm of the global consulting engineering firm, has appointed principal scientist Vis Reddy as managing director, based

Recently appointed managing director of SRK Consulting (SA), Vis Reddy.

Recently appointed managing director of SRK Consulting (SA), Vis Reddy.

in the Johannesburg office.

Reddy has been with SRK since 1997, and has managed the KwaZulu-Natal business unit for eight years, growing the operation into a substantial contributor to the company. With 24 years of experience in environmental geochemistry and air quality management, Reddy has consulted extensively in these fields as well as in contaminated land and water quality management.

He was made a partner in SRK in 2005, and a director in 2009. Taking over the reins from former MD Peter Labrum who stepped down at the end of April 2015 but remains a full time employee of the company, Reddy leads an organisation that has grown to 12 offices around the African continent – including South Africa, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe. The global SRK network, of which SRK Consulting (SA) is a part, comprises over 50 offices on 6 continents, employing more than 1,500 professionals.

He said his focus as MD will be to build on the strong reputation of SRK in the mining sector – its primary market segment – while continuing its expansion into the range of other sectors where the business now has considerable involvement.

“Our services outside of our core business – which is to service the mining sector – have grown steadily over the years,” said Reddy. “We plan to continue building our market share in industrial, petrochemical, government and water sectors, for instance. Our offices around Africa signal to these markets that we are there to stay, and offer a valuable combination of local expertise and global standards.”

He said SRK’s work in the public sector was an important growth area, including infrastructure services such as stormwater management, water supply, water reticulation, flood risk assessments and disaster management.

“Working with government at national and regional level has also been an exciting area for us, and one which we intend to expand,” he said. “This includes policy and planning work, and extends from mining, infrastructure and water issues to environmental projects like bio-regional plans that help conserve biological diversity and inform development plans.”

Reddy studied geology and chemistry at the University of Natal, where he also completed a BSc (Hons) in geology; he went on to obtain an MSc in environmental geochemistry at the University of Cape Town.

He is registered as a Professional Natural Scientist (Pr. Sci. Nat) and is a member of the Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA), the National Association for Clean Air (NACA) and the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA).

About SRK Consulting 

SRK Consulting is a leader in natural resource and development solutions, providing independent technical advice and services through over 50 offices in 22 countries, on six continents. With an African presence in Angola, and practices in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, South Africa and Zimbabwe, the global group employs more than 1,500 staff in a range of engineering, scientific, environmental and social disciplines.