Lithium, cobalt, graphite tipping point expected in two years: Simon Moores

The demand for raw materials that make up batteries—like cobalt, lithium and graphite—will accelerate with electric vehicles and utilities needing larger batteries, says Simon Moores, managing director of Benchmark Mineral Intelligence.

“We’ve seen over the last ten years a handheld revolution with mobile technologies–phones, tablets, laptops,” Moores told last month.

“I think now we are on the verge of a second phase of much bigger batteries, especially electric vehicles and utility batteries. And that is really going to require much larger volumes of critical raw materials like graphite, lithium and cobalt.”

Moores expects to hit a “tipping point” in two year when the demand for electric vehicles takes off. There will also be battery demand from utilities that are turning increasingly to renewables.

Moores estimates that raw material demand for both to be about equal.