INFOGRAPHIC: The biggest oil companies in the world

The Top 10 Oil and Gas Companies in the World

When North Americans think of oil and gas companies, they often think of the big private sector companies such as Exxon Mobil or ConocoPhillips. However, it is always interesting to look at the sheer size and scope of some of the major government owned (or partnered) oil and gas firms to really see the extent of the industry.

Saudi Aramco, the Saudi Arabian oil and gas giant, is by far the biggest energy company in the world. Saudi Aramco’s biggest field, Ghawar, generates 5 million barrels per day of oil, and the company as a whole makes more than $1 billion per day in revenues. The company’s value has been estimated around $10 trillion – the biggest company in the world. That’s about 15 times the size of Apple.

Gazprom and National Iranian Oil Company also produce 8.1 million and 6.1 million bpd equivalent. Meanwhile PetroChina, only one of three big state-owned oil giants in China, produces 3.9 million barrels each day.

With oil prices at their lowest in five years, it will be interesting to see how all of these companies respond.

Original graphic from: Mirage Machines