New Zealand’s Pike River coal mine to remain closed

New Zealand's Pike River coal mine to remain close

New Zealand’s largest coal miner, Solid Energy, won’t re-enter its Pike River mine, and has taken the decision to surrender the mining permit over the project, as the risks of a fatal accident are still too high.

Board Chair Pip Dunphy said she is aware the decision will be “very disappointing” to the families of the 29 men who died in a series of explosions at the mine in 2010, as it is “too risky” trying to recover their remains.

“Any further loss of life in this mine is unacceptable and any possibility of other families having to go through what the Pike families have suffered is not something our board can support,” she was quoted as saying by TVNZ.

The site will be turned into a memorial to the men who still lie there.

Image from archives.