MICROMINE founder, Graeme Tuder, named Australian Export Hero

MICROMINE founder, Graeme Tuder

PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA & LONDON, UK –, 27 October 2014: Leading provider of intuitive software solutions and services to the international mining sector, MICROMINE, is pleased to announce the company’s Executive Director – founder, Graeme Tuder, has been named an Australian Export Hero by the Export Council of Australia (ECA).

The Australian Export Heroes Awards recognise individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to building Australia’s position and performance in international trade. Since its establishment in 1997 just 100 Australians have received an Australian Export Heroes award.

According to the ECA, Export Heroes have nurtured modern export enterprises and significantly contributed to the uniquely Australian export culture. They have demonstrated outstanding vision and extraordinary achievements for their organisation, and Australia, in the international marketplace.

The Export Heroes are nominated by their peers and selected through a competitive judging process by an external Advisory Panel consisting of industry specialists and Australian Export Heroes.

In his letter of support, Alan Broome AM, Chairman Emeritus, Austmine Ltd said. “Graeme’s greatest achievement has been successfully identifying and developing markets which present MICROMINE with exporting opportunities. Whilst not ignoring established English speaking markets, Graeme pioneered the introduction of western mining technology and modelling standards into emerging markets previously under command economies with limited computerisation. Due mainly to Graeme’s efforts those markets have standardised on MICROMINE products and have contributed to Australia’s reputation as the leading supplier of mining technology and services globally”.

Paul Myler, Ambassador, Australian Embassy Moscow, said, “MICROMINE’s business model, characterised by the seamless matching of Australian industry expertise with local technical and regulatory knowledge has led to its expansion to six offices in Russia, and offices in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, where local software experts are developing new industry products, informed by Australian innovation and commitment to excellence as well as local industry knowledge. MICROMINE’s commitment to continued success is reflected in its investment in people, particularly in its support for the education of a new generation of miners. Almost all the mining students in Russia and Kazakhstan today can undertake their studies with the benefit of access to MICROMINE software”.

“Graeme is much admired for his passion, sense of humour and unwavering work ethic. He is a great Australian business leader and a credit to the Australian mining industry. He continues to inspire colleagues, friends and an increasingly outward looking younger generation for the future of the mining industry. Graeme is indeed an Australian Export Hero”.

Commenting on the prestigious award, Tuder said, “It is a great honor to be recognised by the Export Council. Since MICROMINE’s establishment in 1986 I have tried to ensure the company supplies the most advanced solutions to the international mining community, and positively represents the Australian mining equipment, technology and services sector. We now offer a suite of applications covering the entire mining process, from exploration through to production and have offices in all the world’s mining capitals. We were the first mining software company to establish a presence in Indonesia, China, Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia. By doing so, we were responsible for introducing sophisticated exploration modelling, mine design and planning technology to these regions”.

Tuder’s commitment to exporting saw him generously volunteer his time and knowledge to Austmine, a peak national body which promotes Australian mining technology and services to the world. As Vice-Chairman of the Austmine board from 1994 to 2009, Tuder demonstrated the type of leadership qualities which have allowed MICROMINE to become a leading Australian exporter.

Dianne Tipping, Acting Chair – Exporting Council of Australia, said “People who receive an Export Hero Award have fought and won on the international stage. Technically smart, creative and hard working they are able to show the world that Australian’s can not only do anything, but can do it as well and often better than anybody else. As well as adding to growth of our international trade, the Export Heroes have contributed to Australia’s image as a progressive member of the international business community and are role models for future generations of Australia Exporters”.


MICROMINE is a leading provider of intuitive software solutions and services for the exploration and mining sector. MICROMINE’s integrated suite of solutions covers the entire mining process, from exploration through to mine production.
MICROMINE understands the software and consultancy needs of operations around the world. Located throughout the world’s major mineral producing capitals, our teams are close to clients’ operations. This means MICROMINE can provide local support in the client’s own language and time zone.
MICROMINE’s intuitive solutions are delivered by mining and software specialists who understand the software and how it can be integrated into an operation for maximum results.