From A to Zinc: In your backyard and beyond

Although most commonly thought of as an ingredient in sunscreen, zinc is actually a critical component in many of our summer essentials. As can be seen in our new infographic below,  zinc  is an incredibly versatile mineral and is present in a variety of products – from swing sets and swimming pools to electric vehicles and airplanes.

Moreover, with an estimated 11 million metric tons of zinc deposited in the U.S., zinc production is an economic stimulant essential to U.S. growth. In 2012 alone, zinc was produced in three states at 13 mines employing nearly 2,500 Americans in mines, mills and smelters. However, despite there being a number of zinc deposits in the U.S., we are 74 percent import reliant for zinc, importing it from Canada, Mexico, Peru and Spain. The answer? A more efficient U.S. minerals permitting process would help facilitate the production of zinc in the U.S. and support the industries that rely on this mineral.

For more information on the role minerals play in our everyday lives, see our toolkit here.